Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Ideal Qualities to Look for in Modern Testers


Study this blog thoroughly to understand every fantastic quality for a modern software tester. As the tester understands the business requirements, the scope of the project and communicates with project support teams for smooth functioning of different requirements and complexities of a software testing project.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Testing in Agile with Behavior Driven Development


Check out the blog to learn the steps for selecting appropriate tools for BDD, their features, best practices for implementing tools for taking all the advantages of behaviour driven development employed with Agile testing.

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Monday, September 27, 2021

Choosing Between Cobots and Industrial Robots

Cobots are used to work alongside human employees while industrial robots work in place of those employees. Learn the difference between Cobots and Industrial Robots to choose between the two as per the requirement, application, to know which is a good fit for you or the leading software testing company may assist you for implementation of such automation tools for your industry.

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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Giving QA a Seat at the DevOps and Digital Transformation Table


QA acts as a bridge between Development and Operations and provides full quality metrics while transforming the processes digitally, check out the blog to know the crucial role of QA and why it should be incorporated in the system to deliver productive customer experience and consequent business benefits.

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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Applying Data Analytics for Intelligent Test Automation


Learn how data Analytics can help software developers and designers to deliver even more optimized results for their customers by understanding their demographics and local requirement for personalized user experience and when analytics is introduced to testing automation, can give you a lot more opportunities to develop and deliver.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Top 7 Practices to Enable Security in your CI/CD Pipeline


Learn how you can gain customer confidence by offering them a safe and secured product, following the top 7 practices that enable security in your CI/CD pipeline to reduce vulnerabilities during the SDLC, which benefits the development, operations of any software product.

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Continuous Performance Testing for Retail Mobile Applications


Read the blog to learn all the aspect of continuous performance testing to overcome the challenges come in the retail industry. Continuous performance testing can be used to get rid of all such potential bottlenecks by examining and analyzing the performance of all interconnected backend systems like CRM, invoicing, warehouse, etc.

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How Chaos Testing is Building Resilient Software Apps?


Explore how you can strengthen your system integrity more quickly by identifying and resolve issues that might not be analyzed with another testing. Reading this blog may help you understand how software testing companies employed chaos testing to test the resilience and MTTR of the system.

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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Perks of Performance Testing Services offered by Specialist QA Company


Leverage all the expert benefits of a renowned QA Company while testing the performance of your system be it network I/O, Disk I/O, Memory usage, or response time.  To meet all the business requirements read the blog to know , what are the performance testing services and their types.

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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Security Testing “THREATS” and “METHODOLOGIES”


Security testing discovers all the vulnerabilities of the system to protect it from any possible threats or intruders. Read about all the possible threats detected by our testing experts during the process, tools to be employed, concepts and methodologies to be followed for being unattacked and make your system secured.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

What is TDD (Test-driven development )and its Steps?

Learn how you can increase ROI, with the help of TDD, read every minute detail of TDD with this blog to understand what is TDD, their steps of making code documents organized, benefits of TDD that make code easier to maintain, decreases project cost, smoothen the code refactoring and hence increased ROI.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Core Benefits of Agile Project Management


Check out this blog to know how agile testing and project management may benefit you while having a keen focus on users with predictable costs and schedules for giving your customer High Product quality and hence great customer satisfaction.

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Friday, September 10, 2021

Artificial Intelligence Permeation in Testing


Check out the benefits of AI in software testing and how it enables the testers to view the issues in a wider range, which helps them to perform tasks in an automated way with the intelligence. This is the reason why every second industry is willing to learn and use AI-supported apps for testing application quality.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Why I talk about Context-Driven Testing?

Reading this blog makes you understand, why context-driven testing can be preferred as the actual circumstances and requirements of the clients particularly help our testing experts to notify their objectives, techniques, and deliveries by deep thinking and reasoning approach to identify the solution from the user’s point of view.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tech Innovations that will shape the World in 2019

Take a glimpse of the tech innovations that have shaped the world with its incredibly fast Wireless Speed, Instant Delivery through Drones, improved software testing technology with the help of Robot Technology / Artificial Intelligence for faster and more effective communication and improved overall standard of living.

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Cloud Computing Trends to Craft in 2019

 Cloud computing storage is a secure and safe place to protect your data from any power failure or other crisis. so read this blog to learn how your data can be backed up and restore with low maintenance cost and complete data security by using trending cloud computing and its blend with IoT and Artificial Intelligence.

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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Increasing Importance of Quality Engineering in Software Testing

Check out the benefits and importance of quality engineering while software testing and throughout the SDLC. Engineers can help teams standardize the application of quality requirements by adopting suitable tools to increase the efficiency of the process.  

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Security Testing – Critical Concepts and Attributes


Read the blog to know everything about Security testing, its importance to determine web application security vulnerabilities threats to avoid any kind of loss in delivery, client trust, and any other security measures.  

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How Big Data can be leveraged in all aspects of Testing?

Since Big Data refers to the data that contains greater variety, increased volumes with more velocity. hence Big data is capable of managing that voluminous data. Going through this write-up, you may get to know how it can be leveraged in all aspects of software testing to give testers a better accuracy, better profit with reduced loss by following the right strategy.

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Best Ways to Improve Business Efficiency via ERP Testing

  Is your ERP system firing on all cylinders? At ImpactQA, we believe in optimizing every aspect for peak performance. Dive into our latest ...